Bluebird Hills Farm
3617 Derr Road
Springfield, Ohio 45503
937- 390- 6127
877- 805- 2522
937- 206- 3936 (cell phone)
If you are looking for wonderful tasting, safe, nutrient packed vegetables to feed your family, you have come to the right place.
If you are searching for a way to enjoy country living, making a profit off your land raising livestock, then we are the farm to visit!
Bluebird Hills is a certified organic farm raising a wide variety of healthy vegetables that we make available to our customers through a program referred to as a CSA which stands for Community Supported Agriculture. We invite you to enjoy our health sustaining, fresh, flavorful, locally grown vegetables by joining our CSA for the upcoming growing season.

(Please visit their beautiful web site - you will find a lot of additional information)
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