Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Support Your Community by Supporting Your Community's Farmers

Family farms are an American tradition in danger of fading away.

  • Family farms are an important part of the American tradition of self-sufficiency, forming the bedrock for communities across the U.S.

  • Since 1935, the U.S. has lost 4.7 million farms.1 Fewer than one million Americans now claim farming as a primary occupation.2

  • Farmers in 2002 earned their lowest real net cash income since 1940.3 Meanwhile corporate agribusiness profits have nearly doubled (increased 98%) since 1990.4

  • Large corporations increasingly dominate U.S. food production. Four large firms control over 80% of beef slaughter, 59% of pork packing, and 50% of broiler chicken production.5
Family farmers are the heart of Americar's rural communities.
  • Local family farmers spend their money with local merchants. The money stays in town where it benefits everyone and builds a stronger local economy. Independent, family-owned farms supply more local jobs and contribute to the local economy at higher rates than do large, corporate-owned farms.

  • Eating locally grown, healthy food strengthens your family and community.

  • Local farmers who sell direct to consumers receive a larger share of the profit for their food.

Buying local is this easy:
  • Find a farmer, farmers' market, farm stand, or local food outlet near you, visit
  • Shop at your local farmers' market or farm stand for the freshest, best tasting food available. It s easy to find local food. There are over 3,100 farmers' markets in the U.S.—one is probably near you!6
  • Encourage your local grocery stores and area restaurants to purchase more of their products from local farmers.  
  • To Find out where to buy locally visit  Food Routes


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